jeudi 11 septembre 2014

The Human Historiome Project

I believe that humans have Historiomes, just as they have genomes, connectomes, and variomes. The human historiome is connected to population history. It is in fact human history in the making. It is highly theoretical at this point, however. The science of historiomes is called Historiomics.

All populations have their histories, therefore they have Historiomes proper. I believe that each Historiome has its own unique Antihistoriome. I will explain all of these things in due time. All I wanted to do right now is state that the Human Historiome Project has officially been launched and that Historiomics is a human historical fact. What comes out of this work, your guess is as good as mine. Just remember that it is highly theoretical, speculative.

In fact, if anything comes of the Human Historiome Project, a.k.a. The History-Project, I hope that it would be a more speculative and critical approach to human history and historiography. We seem to have lost historical works of a more philosophical nature. History must have its own philosophical art unique to the study of human history. Here is an image of what a Historiome might look like. Stay tuned for more.

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