lundi 30 décembre 2013

Themes for the Coming Year

As I said earlier, I will be logging things continually on this blog. Here are some themes I will be touching upon.

Jean-Paul Sartre: There is something in J.-P. Sartre's philosophy that I have understood deeply and that I want to share with the world. I call it his concept of bad faith to keep it simple. It's something I have a great deal to say about, and will be making statements on this accordingly.

Albert Camus: Camus is another thinker, author, that I have a great deal to say about. Expect me to get into some details about his life and his work, particularly the war in Algeria and what that might mean to a 21st century audience.

Literature: Of course, I will be going through various works of literature in both the French and English traditions. I have a lot to say about modernist literature, and will say it. I myself am an author and wish to position myself in terms of authors that have come before me. Call it a Testament or a Manifesto, as an artist.

Art: As always, I will be speaking of art and art markets. I have a great deal to say about Modernism as a movement and as an art market. Stay tuned for amazing revelations from the artist known as The A.G..

Politics & Religion: The two things that they tell us NOT to talk about in polite conversation. I will be making some bold statements about the two. I have studied it, researched it, I will be making statements with no excuses. I have apparently been given these freedoms, to believe what I believe and to be able to speak what I want to speak. Nothing will get in my way, and anyone trying to stop me will be dubbed a Freedom-Hater.

More to come. Always more to come, but this is a beginning. I will lay out the themes for the coming year and then begin writing. Please stay tuned. There will be much to discuss.

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