samedi 7 juin 2014

The Exhibition in Tonal Cinema

In the mid-1990s, I began a massive artistic project I came to call The Exhibition in Tonal Cinema. It was part Text, part series of Images, and part series of Songs/Musical compositions. I basically worked almost exclusively on the Exhibition in Tonal Cinema from 1998 to 2004, give or take.

By then, I had already begun another project of similar magnitude: The History-Project. That seems to be how I work. I am constantly working on this one project that consumes all of my time and energy, all of my thoughts and feelings. These days I am dreaming about my current project, as I used to dream about Tonal Cinema at night, and then The History-Project.

The "Exhibition" in Tonal Cinema, that is, the "Exhibition" itself, was meant to be seen as this massive "Exhibition" that was going on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It was a massive building greater in magnitude than the very Tower of Babel. It would have been roughly the size of New York City, all encased in a single Building (of massive size, evidently).

The Building of the Exhibition had countless Rooms and Corridors (Hallways) linking the Rooms together. I think that at this point, 16 years later, I can finally admit to the world how grateful I am to Jorge Luis Borges and Samuel Beckett, as well as a few others, like William Carlos Williams, James Joyce, Thomas Mann, and still others, for instilling such amazing VISIONS in my head. It was by studying such amazing and expansive Visions that I came to develop my own, beginning with the Exhibition in Tonal Cinema, which was my very first "Magnum Opus".

The Exhibition was often envisioned as both a Village AND a Voyage.. it was the Villa-Voyage... The Exhibition itself IS a Villa-Voyage. You enter INTO the Exhibition in Tonal Cinema... it was a 15 minute voyage, and became known as Crackland & The Crackland Journals, a.k.a. Alphonse OR, The History-Project. Always these massive buildings with countless Rooms & Hallways, a.k.a. The House of Changing Rooms & Hallways, a.k.a. House of Permuting Rooms & Hallways, a.k.a. The House of Habit and Memory...

In any case, I am now entering straight into the thick of a new Magnum Opus. Not sure what this one is called yet, but it supercedes both The Exhibition in Tonal Cinema AND The History-Project. This one is a million times more massive than the last, which was a million times more massive than the one before that. I hope you stay tuned. This should be amazing. :)

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