mercredi 12 mars 2014

What's Going On w/ Alex?

Hi. Here is what is going on with me, with A.G. I am somewhat made to feel a little sorrow when I think of the situation in the world today, the situation in general, that is. While humankind has made such great strides forward in recent time, I cannot but help feeling that we will never do enough to reconcile ourselves with our very ancient past.

Remember, human beings, our very humanity here, is a very ancient thing, and quite sacred, if you ask me. I do not want to give it up away, my Dignity that is, the dignity that I have as a human being.

But, alas, I cannot always preserve my own dignity. In a perfect world, this might not be the case, but I am an imperfect person anyhow, and so technically, it would be far worse if I were the only imperfect thing in a perfect universe. I think I would feel quite alone here in this place, with everything else completely and utterly perfect.

Thankfully, that is not the case. Only God is perfect, if one really wanted to get into the thick of theological doctrines and dogmatism, which no one really seems like they want to do anyway. So thus far I can safely say, everything is okay, more or less. Things are good with Alex.

Hope you are having a good day. I am recovering from a slight medical embarassment, doing some early Spring cleaning. If you feel that things are "not exactly right" at the moment, be patient and persevere. Things are just fine and will continue to be just fine. But, hey, I panic too sometimes, I have racing thoughts, heart palpitations, and whatnot. Not a serious problem, not an emergency really, except in the moment one doubts whether any of this is real and then falls into a sort of mental trap, thinking everything in the universe, the Universe Itself, has become an existential threat to us...

Ouch! Talk about that! How Brilliantly, Beautifully, and Profoundly Catastrophizing can one be?!!

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