vendredi 18 avril 2014

NEW CLOCKWORK - A New Vision of Theory

I guess that you could say I did not have the choice but to learn some theoretical computer science at some point in my life. I have dedicated the last 3 years to doing just that: I have been educating myself, learning to program, to code, and learning all the related mathematics and theoretical computer science.

While I have learned a great deal of theory, I haven't practised programming nearly as much as I could have. That's alright, I permit myself a little slacking off during the first 3 years of endeavors into a entirely new domain. In this case, there was a lot of ground to cover and I think that I did an okay job. I am not mad at myself for slacking off just a little.

Things, however, are beginning to look pretty serious. There's one thing they don't tell you in the Tom Peters' styled books about "Becoming a Personal Brand" or whatnot, you know what kinds of books I am referring to. What they forget to tell you is that => IT WORKS! Yes, it works. From Tom Peters through Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and all the way to Seth Godin & Cie, this stuff really works.

That's the difficult part. You have to be ready to assume, to own up to, your own SUCCESS. Success is not all fun and games, do you realize that? My motto often is => Be Careful What You Wish For (). It's so true, it hurts just to think about it.

So while I haven't built any software yet, I find myself more and more surrounded by amazing people, amazing people that just want to work with me, people that go out of their way to make me happy, to give me things that I need, to help me help myself. People want to know how I can help them help themselves, or how they can help me help them, or help me help myself. Everywhere around me is a positive ambience, the morale is high, teams are working 24/7 to make amazing happens and in the middle of all of this, here I am, the little artist that I always strove to be... has become a veritable GIANT!

Be careful what you wish for! I am a giant now. Being a giant comes with great responsibilities. I must be held accountable for every word that comes out of my mouth, for every action that I do. It doesn't matter if what I say or do is SEEN or UNSEEN. I must nevertheless hold myself to the highest standard at all times. Too much is resting on my ability to see this through, this Phase if you will of my Existence. Too many people have put all of their faith in me.

What else can I do but outperform their highest expectations of me? I know it sounds like this might be a dangerous game to play, that I might be setting myself up for failure. That might have been true with the Old Alex, but the New Alex has so many people cheering him on failure is unlikely. We're all on the same team. The power of Alex is to bring everyone onto the same team. We iron out our differences, we put our non-negotiable terms up front and center, and we work around them.

We make headway every day and every night, we are moving closer to wonderful solutions being launched into the world. We are giving birth to Ideas and Projects of great Beauty. We are mesmerized by all the greatness of this little human animal that we are.

We are optimistic about the future. We are pessimistic too, when we need to be. We are sceptical about how great our successes will be and are pleasantly surprised when we not only hit the mark but did twice or thrice as good as we had anticipated.

Life is great and it really is a festival only to the wise. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, if I'm not mistaken. Life is a festival only to the wise, and one can't buy Wisdom at the supermarket. They don't necessarily make wisdom in Taiwan. Wisdom is certainly not just a piece of paper in a cookie you just opened after a meal.

This is not to knock or poke fun at anyone, at any nation, people, or person. I am only saying that Wisdom in my experience tends to come from the school of Hard Knocks. You're at Hard Knocks Hotel between a Rock and a Hard Place, and wisdom takes possession of you. Wisdom takes possession of your spirit, of your soul, of your mind and body, and you outperform the greatest of the optimistic projections. You become yourself, truly become oneself, and Become a Name, like Ulysses in Lord Alfred Tennyson's poem of the same name.

…I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Much have I seen and known – cities of men
And manners, climates, councils, governments,
Myself not least, but honoured of them all –
And drunk delight of battle with my peers,
Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy,
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!
As though to breathe were life!...

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