vendredi 25 avril 2014

Thanking My Lucky Stars

I just wanted to take a moment and thank the Universe. I want to thank the Universe for being so kind to me, for never letting me truly go without the basic necessities of life. I want to thank the world for being so full of amazing people. I want to thank everyone that I meet for being such amazingly good people.

I want to thank the Universe for understanding that I get upset sometimes, and for forgiving me my excesses. Know that I always try to do my best, and that when I'm not being my Best Self, I am the first to be aware of it. It's up to me to try even harder in those trying moments. I cannot take credit for always making it out unscathed, though, there must be some power somewhere, a Star perhaps, that shines brightly down on me, that puts me out of harm's way, that saves me much grief and pain.

I want to thank all of the artists and artisans that came before me. You have all done such great work that it inspired me to take up the arts & to be a cultural worker. It is such a fine industry that you have built, and I appreciate that you built it out of pure sweat and tears and blood.

I do not think that anyone asks me to sacrifice myself for anything under the sun, and so I hope no one has sacrificed anything important in building such amazing industries. But I know that too many people HAVE sacrificed much, and though I can't say I am grateful for their sacrifice, I CAN say that I will make every minute of my life count and will be working to celebrate the work of all the workers in the arts & cultures that came before me.

You will not be forgotten, not on my watch. Every last bit of elbow grease shall be remembered and shall shine. Your memory is safe with me. Let's make the earth more beautiful than it was when we came onto this great promontory. Let every Act follow in perfect sequence, Scene by Scene. I think we can thank William Shakespeare for basically inventing the English language, which is such a wonderful tongue. English is my second language, as it is the second language of much of the earth for whom it wasn't the first language. Let us praise all those who have spoken in it, who have communicated through it, who have added their magic touch to it. Let us celebrate all human languages, for they are splendid and they are plentiful.

Let us not forget anyone. Life is hard. Times are tough. It's in moments like these that it is of Paramount importance that we remember to take a break and let it all seep in. Take a break and Thank Our Lucky Stars. Thank your lucky stars, you're in Texas (I once saw that written on a fine cigar box many years ago and it was so perfect I had to repeat it now, not even knowing what it really means deep down.)

That's it folks. I am thanking my Lucky Stars I'm in Texas.

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